Testosterones or human growth hormones have been design by Almighty specifically for men. However, they do have some benefits for women as well. Women do not produce huge amount of testosterones but they help them to grow in puberty and stature. They are also vital for saving women from potential dangers of heart attacks shortly after the start of menopause.

Shortage of human growth hormones can create many problems like abnormal growth and falling victims to different diseases. To prevent women catching these maladies a special treatment is carried out known as hormone replacement therapy hrt. In this therapy the missing growth hormones in females are replaced by synthetic hormones through injections, oral tablets, patches and topical creams.

But over the years, experts have been arguing over the issue that whether hormone replacement during menopause is beneficial for women or not. Women suffer far less from heart diseases then men before menopause. But during that critical period production of hormones falls dramatically and they begin catching heart illnesses. So the problem has a simple solution that is insert new hormones in place of missing ones.

But the prospect of using synthetic hormones was severely damaged by a study conducted some ten years ago. According to results of that study there was no cardiovascular benefits hidden in hormones. Instead, study supposed although falsely that hormones increase the risk of pro state cancer and it really plummeted the use of replacement therapies.

However, a relief has come from most recent study in the shape of some favorable results for testosterones. In this study some women were checked for the affects of hormones and it was found that most of the women who were not using replacement therapies died of heart attacks in their menopause period. The results were quite opposite in women who willingly opted for hormone replacement therapy. Only 31 women out of some 500 hundred showed symptoms of heart diseases and eventually died. Furthermore treated women did not show any signs of cancer of any other disease.

One major factor that contributed towards that massive difference in both studies outcomes was age. The earlier research targeted women who were in later stage of their menopause so hormones did not have any effect on them at all. Inversely, later study targeted women in earlier stages of their menopause and results were fantastic.

Concluding, women entering the important phase of their lives should go for hormone replacement therapies and must no worry about any harm.

Any gentleman spends a comfortable and easy life in his youth. Everything seems to be perfect and one feels devoid of all diseases and disorders. Body metabolism seems to be working fine and there seems to be everything right with the world. But as one ages, health starts deteriorating and “metabolism” starts malfunctioning. As a result many disorders creep in and one of those is weight gain.

Well, what is the reason for that?  And answer is that a certain hormone deficiency is to be blamed.

Human growth hormones:

Growth hormones are responsible for unobstructed working of many body organs and the deficiency can lead to many drastic results. Some problems that spring out of this particular condition are.
  • Weak bones and low bones density
  • Curtailed physical strength
  • Depreciating muscle mass
  • Advent of diseases 
  • Accumulation of fats

The human growth hormone deficiency can be cured by many ways. But especially for fat lose use of natural methods could be more ameliorative and beneficial.

Ways of increasing hormones naturally.

Decreased consumption of refined carbohydrates:

Excessive use of carbohydrates secrets insulin and insulin is responsible for weigh gain. Furthermore carbohydrates hamper the secretion of growth hormones by pituitary gland. So try to abstain from high fat food before doing any hard work and carbohydrates after any such work. You can use low sugar fruits in exceptional cases.

Get full sleep:

Having full and comfortable sleep is of utmost importance for the optimal secretion of growth hormones. Taking 7-8 hours sleep is vital and it is a good idea to go to sleep by 11 pm and be asleep at midnight. This will have dramatic effect on the production of hormones.

Weight training:

If performed properly, weight training could have positive effects on hormone production. During training give a break of 6o seconds and try to utilize all the muscles in the body to maximize the secretion.

Intervals in training:

Alternative training means alternating between sprints and walks. This is the quickest way to stimulate growth hormone production. A standard program consists of warm ups that are followed by 1 minute walk and then a sprint for 30 seconds.

So it is absolutely necessary to galvanize the production of your hormones naturally to maintain optimum body Wight and live a healthy life.

Human growth hormone is an important hormone secreted by pituitary gland. HGH holds an important position in human body as it stimulates growth, control metabolism and all other important activities of a man’s life. When produced in adequate quantity, growth hormones can give a handsome look, proper sex life, physical and mental strength and as a whole a complete and satisfied life. On the other hand if sufficient quantities are not secreted by pituitary gland, it can lead to many complications like reduced libido and your life can become a misery. In that case doctors recommend using a supplement but as any other chemical there some side effects, same is the case here.

Some people use synthetically manufactured hormones to barrage the advance of age. Although it is a good step to take yet sometimes adding artificial supplements in the body have very little or no effect on age at all. On the other hand they might prove harmful for the body. For example they can cause joint pain, fluid reduction and tunnel syndrome. Furthermore they are responsible for the development of high blood pressure and diabetes.

Athletes and body builders are especially interested in the consumption of manmade HGH human growth hormones supplements. Since testosterone is responsible for the growth of muscle mass they are typically popular among body builders. They use tablets of human growth hormones to add power to their muscles and enhance their body strength.  But in this case the dangers involve the risk of breast enlargement and more importantly heart attacks.

Furthermore unnecessary use of human growth hormone can lead to over production of IGF-1 concentrations that can have some drastic outcomes like

  • Swelling in the arms and legs
  • High blood pressure as mentioned earlier.
  • Bones and internal organs grow abnormally.
  • It can cause general bloating
  • Artificial HGH human growth hormones can hardened blood arteries thus disturbing the flow of blood.
  • They can cause muscle and joint pains.

There are many FDA approved uses of synthetic human growth hormones but they one should comply with doctor’s instructions and prescription before use. Furthermore overdoses are strictly none recommended and use them when actually required. It is important to have your systems going right but not on the cost of your life.

Menopause seems to be one of the most debatable topics because of the concerns attached with it including bone loss and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is treatable for most of the patients and many people improve their chances of keeping strong bones before menopause.

Some combination of steps can keep your bone density normal. Make sure to get the recommended daily amounts of calcium and vitamin D. National surveys indicate many American women and girls consume less than half of the recommended calcium and vitamin D. as a result, deficiency arise leads to osteoporosis or bone loss.

Weight-bearing exercise is another big step toward osteoporosis deterrence. This incorporates walking, oval exercise, step climbing, and weightlifting. Doing such exercises three times a week reduces the chances of bone loss, and improve health.

Excessive use of alcohol and smoking also causes bone related problems. Avoiding alcohol and smoking not only well for bones but also for overall health.

Bone mineral density (BMD) test is quite helpful to detect osteoporosis and estimate your fracture risk. If you feel any problem in bones and have crossed the age of forty, consult with your doctor to take proper measures. Bone mineral density (BMD) test is painless, precise and a good way to account your health.

In some men having low testosterone levels also show problem of weak bones. If the problem is due to low testosterone levels, testosterone treatment is used to increase testosterone levels. Do not forget to consult the doctor before taking any hormonal treatment.

Take healthy diet and exercise to keep your hormone levels balanced and to enjoy a healthy life. Menopause is a natural phenomenon and can cause many problems. Consult your doctor to avoid the severity of problems. 


    Health consultant - Suggest and recommend the best therapy or treatment for growth deficient hormones.


    July 2012

